Log in at http://emcohio.com/wp-login.php
Location of information on your your site: (not accurate to screen shots below)

Home Page
–Welcome text is in services tab on the left.
–Specialties/Services is located in the “marketing” tab on the left.
–Home page slider pages are inside “parallax” on the left.
Blog, and Library pages are in Posts on the left.
All other pages are under the pages tab.

How to make edits:

Once logged in, you are taken to the dashboard (below), from there you can add or edit pages and your news/events.

Clicking on pages, you’ll be brought to a list of pages to edit, you can add a new page from the left or at the top, or click any page to edit it.

Clicking on any page brings you the editor for the page. Here you can modify the text, title, add photos (shown later). Click update on the right when your finished making changes.

From the left navigation, you can get back to the News and Events from the Posts link on the left. Clicking it displays a list of the news and events, from there you can add or edit any item.

The editor here is the same as pages, but with the addition of categories on the right side. Here I’ll show the basics of adding an image over the next few steps. First click upload/insert above the editor.

Here you upload the photo you want to add.

Once the file is uploaded- wordpress refreshes the box with options before inserting onto the page. With these options you can control the photo’s caption, placement (float left, center, right,) size, and then insert the photo into the page.

When inserted and finished, as always, click update on the right side. If any mistakes have been made on the pages, there are autosaved revisions below the editor to restore to a previous version of the page.